
Interpretation of the mobile power market

Time: 05, Jul 2021 Author: sznbone Views: 237

Can the invisible hazards of copycat mobile power be eliminated? Will the introduction of the new national standard regulate the mobile power supply market? Today, the editor will answer you one by one!

   The number of mobile power manufacturers "shrank" sharply last year, but in terms of industry scale, the mobile power market has maintained a growing momentum in recent years. The "2014 China Mobile Power Industry Market Research Report" jointly issued by CCID Consulting and China Battery Network shows that from the market scale of the entire industry, from 2011 to 2014, my country's mobile power market was 3.4 billion yuan and 58 million yuan respectively. 100 million yuan, 10.5 billion yuan, and 16.5 billion yuan. Among them, in 2014, the market size of the mobile power industry increased by 57.14% year-on-year. Although the growth rate was down from 81.03% in 2013, it still maintained a growth rate of more than 50%.

According to Wu Hui, general manager of CCID Consulting Investment Strategy Consulting Center, in 2015, the scale of my country's mobile power supply market is expected to exceed 20 billion yuan, reaching 22 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 51.72%. As of 2016, the overall industry scale will reach 320 100 million yuan.

   As far as the “money scene” is concerned, the mobile power supply market is obviously still ideal, so why are the life of the production companies getting harder and harder, and even many have to shut down? In this regard, Yu Qingjiao stated that the main reason is that the mobile power supply market has been in a state of "disorderly" competition for a long time, and a large number of industry problems have been accumulated. Among them are vicious price wars, severe homogeneity of products, proliferation of counterfeit and inferior products, and sales. Channels are undergoing transformation, industry development lacks "boutique" thinking, product creation has no design, no brand premium, etc.

   Many consumers have experienced these problems. In recent years, problems such as "explosion" during use or charging of mobile power have emerged one after another. The relevant statistics of the China Consumers Association show that in 2014, more than 60% of complaints related to mobile power were concentrated on poor product quality and exaggerated publicity. In July last year, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China randomly inspected 32 batches of mobile power products, and it even broke out that the tested products had "100%" quality and safety risks.

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